Find clinic locations for Fort HealthCare and affiliated clinics and services in Jefferson County, Wisconsin.
Find services offered by Fort HealthCare and affiliated clinics in Jefferson County, Wisconsin.
We encourage you, our patient, concerned family member, or area employer to review Fort HealthCare’s information
We coordinate community education and health-related events and screenings for the Fort HealthCare service area.
In an emergency, it's easy to forget even the most well-known information. That is why it's vital for you to fill out the information in this form for each person in your home. Then give copies to each person in your household. And post all copies in easy-to-find places in your home, car, or workplace. Update the information often.
Also make copies for nonresident relatives, babysitters, caretakers, neighbors, teachers—anyone who has contact with you, or who is sometimes responsible for your children. And make copies for any adults in your home who have a disability or who are older.
If you own a smartphone, put 2 different contacts in your phone under ICE for "in case of emergency." Then the emergency room staff can call your contacts if you're not able to communicate. Examples could be ICE-Mom or ICE-Husband to identify your contact. Newer smartphones have apps that you can download to make this information easier to access. But don't rely on your smartphone. It may be out of power, overlooked, or not with you at the time. It's still vital to have additional copies of this form.
Or use the number for your local emergency transport system (if the 911 system isn't available in your area):
Post the poison control center phone number by every phone in your home and add the phone number to all cell phones. The national, toll-free poison control center locator number is: 1-800-222-1222.
From here, you will be automatically redirected to the nearest Poison Center in your area.
Poison control
Health care provider's name and telephone
Hospital emergency room
Person's full name
Date of birth
at last physical on:
Home address
Directions to home
Home phone/cell phone
Health conditions
Current medicines
Contact person #1
Work or home address
Contact person #2
Contact person #3
Additional instructions